Sunday, September 25, 2011

Snapshot of a Sunday

Wake up horribly early. The people in the next building have clearly decided OH MY GOD IT'S 7AM ON SUNDAY LET'S PLAY ALL THE MUSIC WE HAVE AND INVITE OVER ALL THE LOCAL SHOUTING CHILDREN. Struggle out of bed and locate these beauties that my wonderful friend Marjorie sent over to me:

Sink back into blissful silent slumber, interrupted only by incredibly lucid dreams I blame on the anti-malarials, Malarone. Distorted dreaming is a widely reported side effect and I am getting it full force. A couple of nights this week I've woken up to find myself standing in the middle of the bedroom, trying to get dressed, apparently convinced I have to go out. Oh dear.

Up and at them after a cheeky lie-in. Say good morning to Martin; still get a giggle from this mafia-style photo. Miss him a lot this weekend.

Do the washing up and laundry and cook up some hearty sweetcorn fritters for brunch. No chilli at this time of day, can't bear it.

About to tuck in and get a phone call from one of the expats: do I want to join them for a free lunch in a nearby hotel? But when is this free weekend? And how much does it cost? And when IS this free weekend?

Can't say no to a free lunch so I shower and head out. Hotel is about 3km away which I end up walking, tuk-tuk drivers can't understand me today. Actually have a very pleasant walk with some welcome cloud cover and lots of shade. Feel like a celebrity with people waving madly and greeting me, it's odd but it makes me laugh so it can't be a bad thing.

Arrive at the hotel to find everyone in the rooftop restaurant. Before I even settle in, I'm presented with a beautiful refreshing mocktail. Never in my life had a mocktail before, first time for everything.

Lunch is a bizarre mix of pizza, cheese fondue, pasta with an Indian twist (chilli-heavy vegetarian lasagne, anyone?), iced coffee shots laced with whiskey and a hot chocolate brownie with ice-cream. All free! Not sure what everyone got up to last night to earn this free lunch but am delighted.

After lunch, have a potter around the bookshop in Pal Heights and treat myself to some colouring pencils, parers and erasers plus some cute books for my nephew.

Find myself in a camera shop looking at Samsung digital doohickeys - try to make a purchase to be told they don't take credit cards. Who carries around 7,000 rupees in cash? Will return.

Get a tuk-tuk to take me home, send him completely in the wrong direction, he laughs and finds the right way. The gentleman that he is drops at right at my door and doesn't charge me any extra for having to go the scenic route. Into the apartment, cold drink, feet up, Bill Bailey. Success.

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